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4 Pin connector
Pricing: $88.74

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Connector will come with 8 inches of wire. Wires are not color coded.

There are 2 Pigtail options for this.

- All Standard 16 Gauge Wires
- 2 Standard (16 Gauge Wires) and 2 Heavier (10 Gauge Wires)

If you have different Wire Sizes or not sure please email us photos of the connector including the back side where the wires go in and we will verify the wire size.

Although this material has been prepared with the intent to provide reliable information, no warranty (express or implied) is made as to its accuracy or completeness.

Please visually compare and make sure your connector matches the connector on the photos. If unsure, click on the item inquiry and attach photos of the damaged connector or the part that it plugs into and we'll verify it for you.

Can't find the connector you need? Complete our connector request form or email us to order@connectorexperts.com and we'll try to locate one. Include all vehicle information and photos. Only 5% of our inventory is displayed.



Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 0.2 lbs.
  • W1.0000” x H1.0000” x L1.0000”

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